
Are you pro-life or pro-choice?

Today I learned that if I impregnate a woman I have a 90% chance of telling her that it's her fault. And apparently I'm a dumbfuck loser worthless fuckboi who should have his junk cut off.

Thanks Lauren.
Hey fking stop it. Lauren is not to blame. Don't you even try. She stood her ground and we GD will respect her for it. You're all talking about respecting the parents. We're all concerned about the parents and their ability to raise the kids they've managed to spawn from their ridiculous choice of timing and fking. How about the kid that has just been hatched due to your crazy timing. That one night stand you didn't even remember, just impregnated a lass. What are you going to do about it? Are you going to leave her there helpless on her own with nothing better to do than scream for an abortion with both lungs or are you going to take responsibility and help this "booty" give your progeny life?
xD When you said 'the kid that has just been hatched' you made me think of a baby hatching from a giant egg :P lol
@ Laurent-T, there was nothing derogatory aimed towards you, I just find it amazing that you can see it as such a black and white issue when it is shades of grey.

Fine if you want to have a different view to me (though I think we share SOME common ground) but to call everyone who has had or wanted an abortion a "baby killing piece of shit" is a bit strong in my view.

To me whether the featus has a heartbeat or not is besides the point. Is the nervous system developed enough to suffer? Is the brain developed enough to have a mind?

Even if these two answers is a yes, will it suffer more being born or being aborted?

I play devils advocate not because I am a lover of abortion or think it is the go to solution but because in some cases I think it is justifiable.

There is too much dogma and hate around this issue. I would imagine largely because brainwashing and "because we say so" are major tools of religion and I wonder how that has a bearing on opinion.

It would be fun to know how many of the pro-life people are Christian (or any other denomination) and how many pro-choice are Athiests (or logically thinking individuals as I would describe them) I find it funny that though Christianity claims to love it's neighbours that only applies if they are heterosexual and don't support abortion - otherwise feel free to hate, hate, hate.

In one case they get their morals from an ancient book, and in the other case they understand what morality actually is (not a set of commandments in black and white but a will to make life as bearable as it can be for all involved)
Good lord Naphtali. You've got this narrative in your head all worked out.

One chick I know who got an abortion. Her catholic priest was giving it to her when she was a young teen. He went to jail and she decided to get an abortion. She says she regretted doing so later.

Ha don't act like I am attacking Lauren. Lauren called us assholes. She doesn't even know us. And you are making up potential abortion scenarios. Yes people are irresponsible. Shaming them to change works but it is not the kind of country I want to live in.

I don't know how to explain it. You are living in a world of ideals and hypothetical scenarios. People are out there living their lives. People make the decision on what to do for themselves and live with the consequences.

In the end, I just don't see an abortion as murder. And much of the pro-life argument stems around the ethics of that. Also quite a bit of calling women who get them sluts and shaming them. Seems like BS to me.

I have a cousin with 5 6 or 7 kids. Can't remember the number. All of them from long term relationships or marriage. She's very pro-life and religious. She wouldn't be able to survive this normally but she's a native american welfare queen. She gets revenue from her tribes casinos as do her kids.

If I were to put some other young woman in her spot who did not have the guaranteed revenue then I would not judge her harshly if she got an abortion.

Maybe you think it is better to have the baby and put them up for adoption. It's not a good life for their kids. Not a perfect solution at least. But there is no perfect solution for any couple that accidentally gets pregnant and can't afford to raise the kid for the next 18 years. Same goes for the one night stands.

Btw that is the whole point of abortion. You say just been hatched. No no no. It's all done pre-hatched. It is stopping the birthing process before it reaches that point. It's not pretty but that is life.
Hi, I see this is still going strong! I have an idea. why don't we raise the limits on late term abortion to 1000 weeks? After all, a fetus is not truly viable till it can fend for itself and decide on it's own whether to pursue an alternative lifestyle. RIGHT???
Oh, I forgot, this is not about the sanctity of life, this is about whether your stupid decisions can be flushed down the toilet because it is convenient.
Maybe you God hating atheists should re-examine your "logic".
You deceitful Orwellian sloths always need to redefine words to make your nonsense sound more palatable. If you want pro choice then lets start by asking everyone involved, starting with the proposed murder victim? After all, asking someone who wants more control over their body who can't even control their legs is pretty dumb.
I have yet to hear anyone who arrogantly appoints themselves authority over life and death volunteer to have a wire hanger jammed through their skull? Why is that? Why don't you call up your parents and ask them if you are everything that has made their life worthwhile, or if you have become such a disappointment, they would rather chop you up like sushi? C'mon, it's not too late.
The funny thing about you pseudo-intellectuals is that you care more about the spotted owl, or search the universe for a single microbe, but in the comfort of your own soul, you are murderous, unempathizing scoundrels.
Have a good game.
What happened to 'The meek shall inherit the Earth', lol! ^^

#47: This is just pure gold, it seems that name-calling epitomizes the board of arguments from the pro-life faction. If it isn't a troll response, I'm amazed that people like this actually exist, let alone are able to turn on a computer.

Wow you made a bunch of outlandish arguments. None of which the people you arguing with hold.

Yes some people do volunteer to kill themselves. They call it suicide.

Your argument is all over the place and full of insults. Every single line is full of negativity. Absolutely no room for compromise. You are saying that those women who are pro-choice can't control their legs aka they are sluts.

Plenty of insinuations of stupidity. And calling a group of people you don't know murderous sociopaths.

Deceitful Orwellian sloths was a nice touch. Like it or not, you cannot "know" any of these things about a group of people.

I have little to no reason to argue with someone who has all the answers already.

And yes, I re-examine my logic on a pretty regular basis. This is one subject that I frequently do that as the potential repercussions are so great. As are the accusations. It is my grounding of logic that allows me to withstand every insult you or others throw my way. It hurts to be honest but I believe in reason.

I'm not going to change my views just because someone is saying hurtful things.
^^Go it, man!

#45 @DaveyBoyz. If you're not going to call some one who has had or had done and abortion a "baby killing piece of shit", then what ARE you going to call it? What is the difference between a fetus and a baby? Is the main difference development of the nervous system?

If that's the case, then why shouldn't people who are paralyzed be put to death? Why can't they be slaughtered by the millions? They can't feel anything, and most of the time, they can't work for furthering the "society".

And, in the same reasoning, why can't disabled people be put to death at any point of their life? Wouldn't that be better than letting them live and be a drain on society? Because, who knows the 'level' of 'mind' that they have compared to 'normal' people?

Also, why is euthanasia illegal (in the US)? I mean, many of those older people are getting so senile and aged that they don't seem to have any wits about them or they have reduced sensations and feeling throughout their body.

Your third question, "will it suffer more being born or being aborted?" is a very bad qualifier to support abortion. Because, who, may I ask, has the sovereign, irrevocable right to determine this? You say the mother and the father? For now, yes, that is the case. But, do you really think the government is going to stay out of this? They are the one providing most of these abortifacients, so they, therefore, could claim some right in this important decision.

And, it isn't an unheard of for the government to enforce things that aren't in federal law. Take, for instance, mandatory immunizations. While no federal law exists requiring them, all children going to public schools MUST have the T-DAP (I think) vaccine. Wouldn't one think that it should be the parent's choice for their children concerning the vaccine? But, it isn't. If the government begins to control who lives and who dies, we must, then, begin to trust the good sense of politicians who you have (presumably) never even met. The last time that the government was given complete 'control' over life [death] was during World War II in Germany--the Holocaust.

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