
Are you pro-life or pro-choice?

Surely, there is one among you that can offer a legitimate line of reasoning in opposition to my faultless, albeit, inflammatory repertoire?
I mean seriously, the arguments so far presented consist of nothing more than the infatuations of 14 year-olds combined with the mindless liberal ramblings of the 7 O'clock news.
Isn't there somebody that can make me see the inner beauty, and perfectly planned and executed slaughter of innocents?
I will ABSTAIN from the discussion for a while and let you regroup.
Seriously, if you want to call me out and debate any of the innumerable contradictions i have raised, I would be happy to enjoin you. You might notice I have toned down the name calling in an effort to not scare you away.
As a side condition, if you don't have kids of your own, just STFU and leave the hypothetical crap to the liberal brainwashing school system. They are the ones passing out condoms to 12 year olds.
Innocents shminnocents!

"After an exceptionally long night
I asked that girl for a light
actually she was a half-decent sight
so I asked her home and she complied.

So without much further impetus
I managed to have with her coitus
I poked several times her uterus
Birth control? Well, that's just bogus!

A number of weeks after the shag
she noticed her period was having a lag
so she went to the doctor and said:
"Hurry, and scratch that thing outta my vag!"
#91 There is, it's called get off your your high horse and try to walk the middle road. I am not pro-choice or pro-life. I am against what is a highly emotive issue being polarised by the likes of you.
If you are a parent, there is very nasty surprise heading your way with the attitude you take. People make mistakes. If your child conceives, then chooses to abort without telling you is just one example.
I don't have children because I keep meeting sluts like you but I'm not going to STFU because you would like it. You are a troll.
And another thing - handing out condoms to 12 year olds is a solution to prevent 'murder'. Just what do you want exactly? People to live the way YOU tell them?
I am thinking that I am giving forth a more scientific and interesting reposte than your comments when I simply say, blah blah blah.

Chunky, you failed to rise to the occasion. I'm am not on a moral high horse, though my arguments are superior, I do not judge people, rather their actions i hold contemptible.
What would be the purpose of walking the middle of the road? What kind of political clap-trap is that? You are sure to aid no one with such a lukewarm, position that lacks conviction. People that walk the middle of the road get run over by cars!
As I suspected, you are among many here that have a high value of their own poorly stated and nonsensical opinions based on little to no practical experience. I warned you to STFU because I knew you would sound of like a clanging cymbal, sounding many notes, but no music.
You said your excuse to not having children is because you keep meeting sluts like me... (notice, I am not the one hurling ad-hominem's), but fair enough, I can take what I dish out for it is not the verbal assault of the human that defiles, rather, the physical mutilation of the body, especially when pressured by special interest groups of ill renown.
I suggest you change the behavior that causes you to meet sluts. But that is a topic for another day.
Finally on to your most pathetic point. Even a monkey as chunky as you should have the wherewithal to demonstrate and practice the proper supervision and training of a 12 year old. If your 12 year old is having sex, you have not only failed as a parent, you obviously have not put forth the slightest effort. I suggest throwing away the crack pipe, at least until you can focus on your responsibilities. One day you will understand that to be a valiant, you must act valliantley. Sending your kids to a state run welfare mill with "professionals" encouraging, by law, non-concensual sex is a criminal offense.
Come on people, please try to make at least ONE point that is worthy of consideration.
I hope I have refuted the nonsense chucky, the middle of the roader, childless, opinionated, loose women dater, giver of condoms to minors holds so dear.

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