
Are you pro-life or pro-choice?

in response to #56:
" Actually, Rise, the ultimate and final authority of my life is God."

I figured that much! :) I suppose you are a Christian ... there are Christians who actually condone abortion, but they're in the minority, I guess. That's besides the point, though, as you clearly don't. I hadn't created this thread with the agenda in mind to change somebody's opinion, just wanted to hear you guys out, and it has been a very entertaining read so far (I say that in a sincere, non-sarcastic tone)

Now to answer your question, and I'm outta here!

"Why, then, do we have laws and courts? Then if this is the case, if someone murders someone else, he can tell the judge "Yeah, well, I had a great reason for doing it." And, the judge should have no authority to punish the murderer, because his motive seemed 'good' to himself."

Courts and judges only have so much authority as the people around them grant. We established such institutions to break with the archaic principle of 'Might is right' (which still holds true to a certain amount, but we're not living in despotism right now so it works). If someone invades my house in the middle of the night and I'm lucky enough to have a gun at my place, I believe my reason for defending myself would be good enough after I presented the corpse to the police. Some might even argue about that ... "the burglar had emotions, ambitions and his whole life ahead of him, and you killed him! Murderer!!!" It's up to a neutral judge to decide on these day-to-day cases.

I view the act of sexual intercourse as one of the centerpieces of the human species. It brings great pleasure --- a woman's whole life shouldn't be ruined because of five minutes of harmless fun. The fetus doesn't even really qualify as a human being in those early stages of development, it's a non-sentient lump of cells, and whoever is eager to argue about that is more than welcome to do so, but I've made my point. I believe that is a good enough reason to get rid of the fetus, simply because I feel sympathy with women in such situations. Abortion used to be prosecuted here, but laws happen to change over time, ... or do you, as a Christian still persecute witches or stone homosexuals, even though it's unambiguously mentioned in your Holy Writ? Kind of a rhetoric question, but honest-to-god, aren't you glad yourself that we moved on from these dark times and employ our intelligence instead of blindly following ancient rules? Why must we now punish deplorable SLUTS, aah scratch that, why must we now punish human beings for having had unprotected sex? It makes no sense to me.
You know... I think what's more important than God in life is oxygen... Just my pov.

#47: "why don't we raise the limits on late term abortion to 1000 weeks" -> It's called living in Detroit, Michigan.

#47: "I have yet to hear anyone who arrogantly appoints themselves authority over life and death volunteer to have a wire hanger jammed through their skull": -> American Justice System

#47: "The funny thing about you pseudo-intellectuals is that you care more about the spotted owl" -> Spotted owls are cute, furry critters.

#50: "If that's the case, then why shouldn't people who are paralyzed be put to death?" Assisted suicide.

"why can't disabled people be put to death at any point of their life" -> they are a consumer and are good for the economy. Though, I tend to refer to 'disabled people' as people.

"Also, why is euthanasia illegal (in the US)" -> US isn't really the best role model when it comes to morality... [Google it; most Americans think US is losing its moral position in the world].

#53: You're awesome.

#56: "Actually, Rise, the ultimate and final authority of my life is God. And, not only for me, but for everyone." ... Last phrase's probability of being true is -1 -> ex: obviously wrong.

PS: Most Christians haven't even read the bible, the book they base their own religion upon. I read most of it actually - not even religions - because it was the only thing in the hotel room to keep me occupied for 4 hours when the wifi was terrible. XD
I'm a step above that, Chess_Agent. I was once a dutiful Christian as a young lad, and I have read the Bible in it's entirety.

You are to any reasonable person's mind in the right, but take the Bible's advice when it says "Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you also be like to him."!
."there are Christians who actually condone abortion, "
Typical redefining statement made by someone with an agenda, or a defective thought process. You can call Christians dogmatic, what you don't get to do is redefine their religious tenets on your whim.
Here's a trick I learned. If you want to know about Catholic faith, look it up in the Catechism, instead of a sushi cookbook.
This is the degree that cowards will go to to hide their cowardly acts.
The coward dies a thousand deaths, the valiant dies but once.
I just lost a match being ahead by a rook! THAT is an abortion in and of itself.
I have no words for the queue of these unfortunate spirits.

Let them go in their own smokescreen paths. It is not our place to convert the lost, or to shoo flies.

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