
Are you pro-life or pro-choice?

You either believe in a person's UNALIENABLE right to life, or you don't. This is not a religious belief, it is the stated declaration of these fine United States. I actually believe I have no right or ability to make a choice for another person, but I refuse to make believe your reprehensible, despicable acts are ok.
I'm tired of pseudo-intellectuals pretending everything is roses. There are reasons the mind feels shame and remorse. That is your spirit crying out for you to act like the person you were meant to be. I don't think that I am better than anyone else, but I know i ACT better than many.
(are these chess puzzles getting easier ?)
Talk to the Japanese who were placed in internment camps in the United States of America (I assume you're from there). Ask them about their "unalienable rights".

The government takes away rights whenever they please. Rights do not exist, and they are only temporary privileges. Who really wears the rose-colored glasses?

Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but once.
Of all the wonders that I yet have heard.
It seems to me most strange that men should fear;
Seeing that death, a necessary end,
Will come when it will come.

Full and correct quote. Again with the name calling. It does not help your argument any.
Very emotional discussion, nothing like emotion to hide a more likely truth. My opinion is most pro-life rhetoric is inspired by religion. Having a soul(idea of soul to be debated) is not manifested at conception but a long process of becoming more than instant completeness -which does not make sense to me. It is weird that people can believe in a benevolent God and at the same time imagine he would allow a situation where a soul could be wiped out without a chance of existence ... cmon. Try to think of an idea that organised religion would have to oppose abortion.
I've spoken to several Japanese internment camp "survivors". Yes, this is what happens when people fail to exert their God given rights. Most of them feel that they were treated unfairly, until I ask them if they would have preferred being shipped back to Nagasaki on August 5.
The people in Japan learned not to mess with true warriors. It's a shame the U.S. doesn't "share" it's nuclear weapons on some of the shitholes in this world. I don't know if it would solve anything, but, we could have a hella 4th of July party.
Incidentally, the abortion rate seems to be going down over there. I wonder if it has any relation to Fukushima?
My Shakespeare's a little rusty, But I think I got the Matrix one ok.
Don't worry about the name calling, anyone that thinks this topic is an academic exercise is sure to be disappointed.
Hopefully, the thousands of unfortunate men and women scouring this site for guidance have come away with a sliver of hope and a new attitude that will inspire generations to come.
Besides anyone that is tough enough to kill should be able to handle a callous word or two, Neh?
In answer to some of the questions and to #47.

"God hating Athiests" Well it is pretty hard to hate a figment of someones imagination, a fictional non-entity. You do understand that Athiests can't hate what they don't believe in?

The difference with a featus and a baby is that a featus could become a baby if it continues to progress, if it doesn't progress it isn't anything really. A bit like having a fried egg is not the same as eating a chicken.

Do I think that the parents can determine whether the child will suffer more being born or aborted? Yes... it has been deemed by scientists that before a certain time the featus cannot suffer but the parents could deduce from their situation (joblessness, drug addiction, not wanting to be together or any other numerous reason) that theirs is an unfit home to bring a baby into.

The comparison to the paralysed is ridiculous. Sure some people cannot feel pain due to paralysis but we are not asking nor have no right to kill them. They are sentient, know what is going on, are self-aware and in many cases can speak up for themselfs. A featus is just a chemical reaction that if allowed has the potential to become a human. It is a very different issue.

The comparison to the Holocaust is also disgusting to me. You realise that people were killed not featuses? I am not asking for the government to be given control of life or death, I am saying that potential parents should have the choice to make a responsible decision both for themselfs and on the behalf of the un-born, un-thinking, un-feeling ball of gunk that could one day become a child.

Again I bring this back to religion... if you believe that the child has a soul from conception then you have an argument to make (albeit one not based on any tangeble evidence but rather on superstition and hocus-pocus)

If however you are a logical and scientific person then you would pressume that without the tools for thought (a functioning brain) there is no mind and no person - just an inert part of a female body being removed, like an unwanted growth. There is therefore no murder to be found.

Or you could be in the middleground. You could believe in a god, (but dismiss that anyman could know the mind of a diety and dismiss the freudulant teachings of holymen who claim to know the mind of god) and conclude that parents have a moral duty only to have children if they know they can take care of them. That if such a thing as a soul exists it may not be apparent right from the offing.

I had a conversation with a child earlier today who said "nobody has the right to take another persons life. Taking a life is always wrong"

This is similar to the child like thinking of a pro-lifer. Though in principle I agreed with the sentiment I asked "What if by killing one person you could save many? Would it be wrong then?"

The example of a madman with a machinegun running towards a school was used. If the only means to stop him was to kill him then surely this would be morally correct? Better one dies than many?

Or you could live by the words written in a book, don't engage your intelligence or question for yourself. Your choice.

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