
Who caused Coronavirus

What does "fake" mean. The Liberals say they believe in individual rights but write laws that make no sense except to people who think you should take care of something other than that which they can not define.
Example the Liberals and many conservatives tell you how to live. I say you have no right
You lie I asked
Who caused Coronavirus
I said Bat Eaters. I did not say eating bats just the people eating bats.
Thats the problem making meaning up.
I use English if you don't understand don't invent meaning
No offense but you're English isn't the best. your grammar is equivalent to a two-year old's verbal diarrhea.
An epidemiologist on "Democracy Now!" said several interesting things:

* As far as we know, this is transmitted by bats
* Disruption of bat habitats and climate change (emergency) led to bats moving closer to humans

Bottom line: The health of the planet and people are inseparable. The planet's health has suffered, much of it due to humans.
1 minute ago

An epidemiologist on "Democracy Now!" said several interesting things:

* As far as we know, this is transmitted by bats

What is your native language, what is your ethnicity, and where have you lived?

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