
Who caused Coronavirus

I believe I heard a featured guest on a progressive radio show say it was American biological warfare which attempted to target Chinese people using genomics. I won't believe that without sufficient evidence.

I'm sure you can provide sufficient evidence (preferably scientific) to support your claim.
Ofcourse the conspiracy theorists are going to say it was the government. That's a given. As if they enjoy watching the economy crumble.
I'm a left-leaning person, and if CNN said that Trump ate a bat and that was the reason for Corona, I wouldn't believe it for a second. While there may be some radical people who would believe that crap, I think that most democrats would be more rational about it.
You know the Libertarians call the Left leaning fake
Well Libertarians are very right-leaning, so their bias against anyone who is left-leaning is pretty strong.
No they are not they believe in small government and that no god or government has a right to infringe on my rights (Life,Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness) and no body gets to decide for me. Neither Republicans with greater good or Liberals with Moral indignation.
Well why do they call the left fake? Because they don't agree with their views?
Libertarians tend to believe in minimal or zero government intervention. Calling them right leaning can be misleading, as the political right-- in the US, at least-- is associated with the Republicans. Libertarians would be pro-choice and in favor of legalizing marijuana, for instance, while Republicans are against these.

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