
Using chessbase during live games

@imandrastoth should be banned
Chessbase is basically says saying ” here are a bunch of moves that typically won't screw you over”, avoiding a crap ton of opening blunders
@DthNcnt His reaction vid thing is clearly wrong.

It's illegal to look up positions in live games, everyone knows this?

If he wants to see how many times it's been played then he looks after the game. Simple
Reference in database is obviously cheating!! Regardless of opening or ending!!

Cheating means " act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage". It doesnt matter you ask assistant from engine or database or even from spectators.
exactly! IM Toth only got a warning because he's an IM and coach, any other random player would've gotten an immediate ban
Not sure about the evidence but of course this would be a no-go as well as using books. Looking games up in the opening phase gives you an edge which can last up to the endgame. For a strong player this is more or less a decisive information.

What do you think what happens if you are caught red-handed with your mobile or a book during an otb game?

GM Tal Baron was banned on for cheating.
It seemed like that Lichess doent ban him though!!

The rules should be the same regardles of higher rating or title players or celebrities.
In the video he said "I don't know what do do here". In the reaction video he said he was looking up how many times this position had been played. If he was on chessbase at the time as he admitted, why would he say "I don't know what to do here". To me, him saying this means he was trying to hide the fact that he was on chessbase. If he apparently "thought" that having chessbase open while playing was OK, then why would he feel the need to hide this.

I think he should be banned. Anyone else would be banned. Even if your not looking up moves, and your just looking up how many times it hadn't been played it is still cheating. Because if you see the position has been played multiple times, that gives you the impression that playing this way is OK because others have played that way before too.
In the „Tree“ you see how many times the position occurred and of course the follow-ups: all the different moves, number, winning-percentage, Elo and so on.

That‘s the same way I look it up: BUT ONLY AFTER THE GAME IS FINISHED! And no, not after the opening or something like that.

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