
hottest chess player

Wow, MagnusLarsen, tatari really triggered you there. Oh by the way, just a tip, don't insult anyone about their ELO (your's is not the best either). All he said was chess is about brain power not looks, and he is right. Then you go on a random tangent about how he wants to censor beauty and women. Also "learn better english" the opening and the language.
Yiss. This escalated quickly.
I didnt know internet fights were so extreme.
Wow. I think we can scientifically conclude that Alexandra Botez is not pretty.
Yes. Karlovich has always been stunning. I remember me and a friend usually went to the Ukranian Women Chess Championships to hangout and get laid.
I remember seeing her for the first time in the Ukranian 1998 U16 Championship, I was stunned. I tried to approach here but out of nowhere my mom slapped my face, I woke up and realized I was late for the lesson at the Pioneers Palace

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