
Chess or Cheese?

What do you like more, chess (the game) or cheese (delicious)?
@FlameImpala said in #1:
> What do you like more, chess (the game) or cheese (delicious)?
Chess is better cheese is cool in taste but u know eating that tol much is bad
Both but too much cheese is not good for health. It can cause weight gain, heart diseases, stomach issues and high blood pressure
@FlameImpala said in #1:
> What do you like more, chess (the game) or cheese (delicious)?
chess is for good
cheese is for food
chess is a game
cheese is lame
@Praneel-s said in #7:
> chess is for good
> cheese is for food
> chess is a game
> cheese is lame

Cheese isnt lame.

here is proof:

cheese is epic, chess is trash
cheese is money, chess aint cash
cheese is better, chess is worse
cheese is the way, chess is a curse.

hope that helps :D
(chess lovers, this is a joke, im joking, dont take it seriously.)
@RubiksCuber23 said in #8:
> Cheese isnt lame.
> here is proof:
> cheese is epic, chess is trash
> cheese is money, chess aint cash
> cheese is better, chess is worse
> cheese is the way, chess is a curse.
> hope that helps :D
> (chess lovers, this is a joke, im joking, dont take it seriously.)
This is 100% NOT true and i hate cheese.

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