
Who has beaten a chess master before? (CM IM, GM, etc.)

I've beaten CM, NM and FM. An IM on ICC 15 min pool years ago. Beat an IM otb 5/0.

These victories are few and far between :)

I've never managed a draw against a GM.
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Never, but i did beat Arena Title in FOA (AIM), twice on a 5 Minute Blitz!
I also managed to beat an FM on forfeit, but it wasn't very exciting after the 30 seconds of enjoyment, TBH :l
I have a 3:1 score against her :)

also I beat some GM twice in 1+0
Highest in standard plus a bunch in crazyhouse.
I "beat" a Candidate Master by resignition in a Casual Classical simul.
A few years ago I was Rook to Knight in an end game with a NM but my battery died! I'm still bitter to this day.

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