
Search "user:steger"

109 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - 2 Cents ? is that the monetary value of each game you play on Lichess?#3

>bbyd: So you ( virtually ) generated a couple hundred bucks besides having ( hopefully ) a lota fun!

General Chess Discussion - 2 Cents ? is that the monetary value of each game you play on Lichess?#1

It just crossed my mind, can't tell you why, to look at what website may be worth per game played. (just out of curiosity - not meaning that I hadn't highest regards of lichess' public dom…

General Chess Discussion - Aborting 960 on the first move is common?#4

I think they realize in that very moment, that 960 eventually will lead to the ultimate downfall of ( ¿¿ the human race ; the Universe; the FIDE; Capitalism-Marxism; Decency ?? ) - and they fear to pa…

General Chess Discussion - Opponents timing out for x-minutes after facing defeat#28

> Dionysus_god #27 You're right with *shrug* - I couldn't agree more with 'taking it easy'. But: Ask any advanced Chess-AI engine on the problem. He wouldn't care less, and just wait the opponent out.…

General Chess Discussion - Opponents timing out for x-minutes after facing defeat#26

> static_shadow #24: I think it would be quite difficult to code and implement algorithms to promote moral behaviour. Also that would most probably lead to ambiguities. And possibly to even more frust…

General Chess Discussion - Disclosing early historical soures of Lichess - Series 01#1

As we want to make the early exchanges on Lichess, when Lichess website was still very young, availabe to the publick, we start here with a poem by Henry Reed, who had played with T.S. Eliot in the de…

Lichess Feedback - 960 castling -- A REAL, PERMANENT ANSWER??#5

I can understand Isa. (How to castle is not so difficult to understand) But: what the Outcome will be ( when in960 ) is sometime hard to see , specially when you are pressed by time. My help in this: …

Lichess Feedback - Speaking of interesting chess variants#25

Wouldn't it be possible to define just every possible "variation" of starting positions, moves, rules etc. by a "regex" - like string. And give it a hash number. (PGN restrictions applied) So everybod…

General Chess Discussion - Opponents timing out for x-minutes after facing defeat#20

further to static_shadow # 13: Contract Law applied: One could look at this timeout problem using a symbolic analogy: Legal Terms. Lichess offers to each one of us, when offering or accepting a game, …

Lichess Feedback - Singulier ou pluriel ?#1

Noir est victorieux. vs Noirs ont gagné. Peut-etre quelqun le peut expliquer a moi ?
