
Search "user:Geelse_zot"

138 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Let's chat about lichess puzzles vs. and share tactic practice resources.#4

I prefer the puzzles on Lichess, especially when it comes to speed solving. Chesscom has way too many backrank patterns in their speed puzzles. It started to annoy me after a while. Lichess feels more…

General Chess Discussion - Books related to Positional & Stratic Play#6

Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy : Advances since Nimzowitsch by John Watson It's about the minority attack, playing with and against the IQP, good/bad/active/inactive bishops, outposts, .. Even thoug…

General Chess Discussion - Why does white move first?#17

@Toscani said in #16: > In English there is a nice distinction between using White and Black for the players and light and dark for the squares. In my own mother tongue which is Dutch, we just say "wi…

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Game analysis - Sacrificing a bishop and a rook for checkmate!#2

Well played. And even if Black did play the most accurate ones, he would still be losing.

Off-Topic Discussion - Why is chess better than sex?#55

"I did not play chess with that woman" - BC

General Chess Discussion - What if I participate a tournament which has prizes for winner but lichess is not responsible ?!#16

Game analysis - why so many cheat at chess#4

Of all the moves it could pick from , why would an engine play the Dutch?

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