
Search "user:Demonolith"

251 forum posts
Game analysis - How to HUMILIATE your opponent in positional chess#29

Believe it or not, despite your masterful demonstration of positional chess against him, your opponent is still playing chess and winning games. Probably even enjoying them. It took him about 30 secon…

Lichess Feedback - How is the number of moves in a puzzle decided?#1

Hi, I would like to know, when a puzzle is generated, how the required number of moves to play is calculated. In fact, I came across several puzzles rated ~1300 that contain very tricky lines but the …

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General Chess Discussion - Invisible Pieces: Women in Chess#121

@Shizwazoo I agree with your message #104 but I think this is just a problem on the internet in general. There are always a few people on every website who could threaten someone they disagree with an…

General Chess Discussion - Invisible Pieces: Women in Chess#84

I do not have the feeling that the community is hostile towards women here. There are female streamers and they do not seem to experience bad treatment. Most people are polite in the chat and everythi…

Game analysis - Composition by me!#15

Qxd3 seems the only forcing move but I do not see a quick mate sequence as white has many moves to defend.

Game analysis - Worst game ever I played#6

My only advice would be to look for such threats when you are wining. Hanging such mate in one happens often in short games but in correspondence, just be patient and analyze the board longer if you w…

Game analysis - Composition by me!#7

In fact, promoting to a knight, this might solve the problem!

Game analysis - Composition by me!#6

It has to be mate even if the computer says it is a draw. You can walk over the board with the king without taking the bishop initially on b8 and then you take on h8 and promote the pawn to a queen wh…

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