
If Donald J Trump wins

#30 Humans are irrational and usually does not follow their religions.

Real Biblical Christianity demands way more than anything a typical church demands. No "Christmas" and other man-made festivals, sharing everything, etc. It is very demanding. Real Tanakh Judaism is very different from modern Judaism which has no religious court, no executions, no stoning, etc.

I don't expect most so-called Muslims to truly follow Muhammad's Islam either...When you take away Sharia courts it will be the beginning of the end of violent Islamism.
There can be almost no Islamism if the Muslim community does not have any power over individual Muslims, especially the power to punish (in particular death penalty).

Freedom of an individual to practice Islam. Not the power to impose Islam on others.
Well you have clearly never read a Bible...

"No "Christmas" and other man-made festivals, sharing everything, etc"

Well Christmas is a celebation of Christs birth... it never commands a common purse, nor does it ever say anything against attending "Man-made" festivals other than ones for the purpose of worshiping other "gods"
Read your Bible.
also read the Koran, it clearly states death to all who do not convert.
I have certainly read a Bible that's why I know nobody ever declares Dec.25th to be a Christian holiday, at least not in the Bible....The common purse is Biblical as well..It is in the Book of Acts.
The Bible never mentions Dec 25th, that is a more modern, i dont know where you live, but in the U.S it is a celebration of Christs birth. also in Acts all it says is that they did that, not that we have to.
Looks like the people of USA have a very difficult decision to make. I am glad I am in Canada!
I pray to Jesus Christ that something good happens in the US elections.

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