
Custom Chess sets

This is a feature request, if I have some images of chess pieces that I wish to use for my chess pieces, can I upload them and actually use them here? I'm pretty sure won't be doing that anytime soon. Also, would there be a way to share these sets with others? (Also custom colours for boards plz, even if it's just a flat colour with no designs on it)
I got the extention working and it looks great on lichess (not so great on, but I would prefer if lichess supported this themselves.
(Also the CAPTCHA is the same, that's cool)
you dont need event plugin just attach custom style sheet. There is a limit what is sensible to support by lichess. I mean development of site is done with volunteer work and small amount contracting and one full time developer. Not everything can be done and most importantly. When something is done it needs to supported

So I fully understand that only fraction that can be done will ever be done.
@petri999 said in #6:
I don't know how to do this, but now I figured out the extention works for, just not on play. Please help me with understanding this feature.

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