
What are the reasons an account can be closed for ?

When you click on a profile and it shows you that this account has been closed , what could be the reason ?
I think the only reason is that the account owner decided to close his account. That means to a large extent that they cheated at some point or they were unhappy with anyone just having a look at their openings/play style.
@Ensemo, 1.) The player can be a cheater.
2.) the player could have had a lot of accounts, and because of this he was banned by Lichess
3.) , the player could close the account himself
A closed account doesn't imply anything negative. The owner may have created a new account for one reason or another and closed the old one so they don't have multiple active accounts.
@vanehla1 , I think there is another reason that i know : Your account can be closed by lichess if you get banned for having a lot of accounts !

@Murat4567 , can your account be closed because you are a cheater ? because to my knowledge if you cheat , they gave you the red cheater mark and recently , a mark says that you violated the rules , no account closing for cheating i believe

I am asking if there is more than these 2 reasons ? Multiple accounts or closing it by yourself
@Ensemo There is another reason, many could throw a report on the player that he cheated or violated the rules of lichess
-Lichess can close accounts for various reasons.
-Users can close their accounts for various reasons, even for no reason.
Maybe too many complaints against a player for being verbally abusive in the chat room. I'm sure that's frowned upon, and may lead to closure of account.
1) Lichess decides to
2) The user broke the rules
3) The user closed the account themselves
4) The user is also a checkers player

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