
I think it's a fallacy.......

When people lose and say they learn so much from it. I don't learn anything , it just makes me feel physically sick if its a real bad loss. I think it's just something chess players say when in truth it just hurts, what do you think? xxx
I don't think those two are mutually exclusive.
For me, it’s winning that doesn’t do anything for me. Unless it's an interesting match, I always find something negative to say about my victories, a little out of perfectionism, especially out of sadness that my opponent didn't win. I can't rejoice of my wins.

when I lose, I'm happy, happy for my opponent (whom I congratulate in the chat). I already have no criticism to make, since it was my opponent who had the best arguments on the chessboard, the most visible arguments. since I lost, that means there was a combination of factors that meant I lost and the game couldn't be improved, otherwise I would have won it right away.

So, most of the time, I have some idea of the progress and the mistakes I made, and I watch the game several times without the help of stockfish. so I rarely have any doubt about the critical point that caused me to lose. so I would qualify this as mental learning and recognition of patterns to avoid, and learning to improve the mind and no longer make defeat a destructive taboo, since a defeat is just someone else's victory .
@CSKA_Moscou said in #3:
> For me, it’s winning that doesn’t do anything for me.

That's terrible , you don't enjoy your victories? Not even a little smile or fist pump lol xxx edit: you're too nice if you can be too nice lol
Sure, ask software how people feel... If I weren't already worried about the state of human society, I would probably start now. :-)
If you are analysing the games afterwards and figuring out why you lost, that is an obvious route to self improvement and better play in the future.
Even the strongest grandmasters lose games, so why should you feel you are immune? On the other hand, if you keep losing by making the same type of mistake, it hints you are stagnating and hit a plateau.
There is a blog on Lichess by GM Avetik, and I found two posts related to your topic:

As far as I understand, after a loss you experience severe nervous stress. This is bad, it destroys your health.
It's best to prevent stress from occurring. Try to change your attitude - it's just a game. Or don't play rated games.
But if stress does occur, physical activity will help cope with it. For example, a walk.

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