
New Apple Watch Chess - A call for Lichess Developers: Please include soon!

As Apple has now announced its upcoming new 'Apple Watch Chess' we should ask Lichess development team to urgently make Appelichess availabe to lichess members as soon as possible. We should not be to critical to some restrictions though, as the rather limited capabilities of its otherwise groundbreaking gadget have led Apple to reduce the chess board to 6 by 6, and consequently decided to get rid of the knights. This came as no big surprise as most of Apple Watch users wouldn't be able to understand the highly complicated move patterns of knights anyhow.
> pretty sure he's trolling

And no, we probably won't dedicate any dev time to the apple watch. Not unless it magically becomes a highly ubiquitous device and developing an application for it is the only natural progression lichess can take... that, or some dev out there really feels like developing it for us.
It is as #2 said. As an aside, Android Wear and Pebble still dominate the market at this moment and Apple Watch doesn't really innovate on top of those (it is absolutely NOT particularly groundbreaking).

Either way, I think playing chess on a watch would be a misclick (mistap?) extravaganza, to be honest with you. Maybe a little better if you include a zoom mechanic, but still a pain to use probably.
You wouldn't tap/click, you'd use the voice controller recognition.

Apple Watch Features:
• Tap the screen to voice control your moves with commands like "Rook to D4" or "A2 to B2"
• All possible moves are listed in the voice controller, so you can still play silently.
• The Chess Watch! glance provides a snapshot of an active match awaiting your turn when available.

Probably still a pain to use though. Maybe you'd end be taken for a Maxwell Smart wannabe, speaking in code to your watch.

About the only cool application I can thing of would be to have chess on your left wrist and say battleship on your right, and somehow have the A2-B2 moves be parsed by both, kind of like a dual-game simul. They've done this with Megaman, shown that the same input can win versions 3 through 6 simultanesouly.

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