
CNN - Pink Floyd's co-founder accuses Biden of 'huge crime' in Ukraine. Hear why

@pretzelattack1 said in #55:
> notice how my debating opponents have to fall back on emojis, cause they don't have any facts to refute what i say.
> LOL it's irrelevant if the US attacks a US ally and vastly increases the cost of gas.

I guess you think Germany was getting gas through the pipeline when it blew up.

This is a mistake. You can look it up.

In Europe it was HUGE news when Russia closed the pipeline some months before it blew up - it made our energy explode.

Probably US media didn't report on this, they didn't say it was closed down and wouldn't be reopened ever. This is why there is the mistake that the pipeline mattered.
@pretzelattack1 said in #40:
> Ukraine is losing. this is obvious to most of the world,

On the ground Russia has just lost terrain since March 2022. In 13 montths Russia has been kicked out around Kherson and from around Sumy in the NE, and has only gained an insignificant pile of rubble in Bakhmut.

Furthermore, Russia has no control of events. This is obvious, because Putin declared Kherson "part of Russia for a 1000 years" like 2 weeks before Russia lost the area.

>except for large swathes of deluded propaganda consumers in western countries. this is why the constant refrain of more material! more material! never ceases. and never makes a difference.

I am not sure you follow the war at all. It doesn't look like you know anything that happened for the past 12 months.

>stop overthrowing regimes (as in Ukraine)
USA didn't overthrow any regimes in Ukraine.

You're repeating propaganda straight from Kremlin now.

The Euromaidan in 2014 was a public revolt.

Kremlin didn't like that revolt because i overthrew their puppet that now lives in Russia. So they made up lies that it was a USA coup, a Satanistic plot, a nazi plot, a gay plot, whatever they can think off.

>that won't go along with proxy wars, just stop interfering all over the globe. this does not benefit the american people, it makes us less safe and wastes vast amounts of money better spent on infrastructure and social programs at home. but that isn't how Washington works these days, it has become totally corrupt.

If USA quits helping Ukraine, I think it could loose Euope as an ally.

The East Europeans are in NATO because they want protection from Russian invasions basically. If USA doesn't help a country they consider a brother country they won't believe USA would help them either I think.

So you know. Why would they want to ally with USA is they see that USA can drop you like a hot potato and leave you to be mangled by the Russians?
LOL it's not a war of territory, it's a war of attrition. you remind me of the people who claimed for 20 years that we were winning in Afghanistan, or claimed for 10 years we were winning in Vietnam. same thing will happen in Ukraine, and you will fall for the next lie as if all these failed proxy wars and direct undeclared wars just didn't happen. the realists in foreign policy knew this would happen--George Kennan for example, and the idiots in the state department and the executive branch kept pushing it.

If the US keeps attacking its' allies like Germany (it blew up their pipeline) because its sanctions on Russia aren't working, there is a very good chance it will lose its allies, as it has already lost in Turkey. it's alienating people and countries throughout the world as it leaves one devastated country after another in its wake, and the thing is it will all be in vain. the US is not going to be able to hold onto the the world number 1 spot, either economically or militarily, and the quicker it accepts that reality the better off everybody on the planet will be. NATO should have been disbanded after the USSR broke up, but instead the US turned it into an aggressive instrument for pushing US military power.
Germany was going to get gas through the pipeline and much more cheaply. that's why the US blew it up. wake up.
@pretzelattack1 said in #64:
> Germany was going to get gas through the pipeline and much more cheaply. that's why the US blew it up. wake up.

You need to follow the news. Like you want people to "wake up", but you're totally ignorant about what you're talking about. They had already started building the LNG terminals before the pipeline blew up.

The pipelines over land that are undamaged are way bigger than the ones in the sea. But they are shut down since last summer and won't be used again ever. Germany will not buy anything important from Russia in like 50 years, because they don't buy from unreliable trade partners.

And anyway, if Russia in 50 years have changed and become somebody you can trust, then Germany won't be using gas anymore anyway, so they just won't be interested.
@pretzelattack1 said in #63:
> LOL it's not a war of territory, it's a war of attrition. you remind me of the people who claimed for 20 years that we were winning in Afghanistan, or claimed for 10 years we were winning in Vietnam. same thing will happen in Ukraine,

It's so weird you think these wars are at all comparable.

> If the US keeps attacking its' allies like Germany (it blew up their pipeline) because its sanctions on Russia aren't working, there is a very good chance it will lose its allies,

You need to read the answers you get. I already explained you about the pipeline, giving you more information.

It's hard to believe you're debating in good faith when you ignore what you're told and then just repeat the same stuff.

>NATO should have been disbanded after the USSR broke up, but instead the US turned it into an aggressive instrument for pushing US military power.

This is Kremlin propaganda. NATO is a defense alliance - this is why countries want to join it. All the East European countries wanted to be in it, to avoud Russia invades them like Moldova or Georgia etc. And now Ukraine.
@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #62:
> On the ground Russia has ... only gained an insignificant pile of rubble in Bakhmut.

March 30, 2023
AP Executive Editor Julie Pace interviewed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

"JP: Is this part of why you are fighting so hard in Bakhmut? Because a lot of military analysts will say that strategically it’s not that significant.

VZ: Because that will be victory for him. He will —

JP: And any victory —

VZ: Yes. He will sell this victory. He will sell this victory to West, to his society, to China, to Iran, to all the countries, to Brazil, to Latin America countries. Not to Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia. Of course, they really understand, you know, from details. And they feel these dangers because they’re neighbors. But he will sell it to his society. That one little step. Now, wait a minute. Wait a minute. I will have a decision with Ukraine. Then another step. Another step, nother step. And then he will, believe me, he will have solution. Maybe not official. After such point, he will have a solution with many countries in the world. On every continent, he will have allies in the question to push us and push me, and how to push me, to push our society and our society to find a way. How our society will feel tired, will feel dangerous, will feel dangerous after nuclear weapon. And our society will push me to have a compromise with them. That’s it.

JP: So there’s a lot on the line in every single battle here.

VZ: We can’t lose. We can’t lose the steps because the war, it’s a pie. A pie of such pieces of victories. Small victories, small steps because very big country, big enemy, big army -- Russia -- and small hearts."
@pretzelattack1 said in #63:
> LOL it's not a war of territory, it's a war of attrition. you remind me of the people who claimed for 20 years that we were winning in Afghanistan, or claimed for 10 years we were winning in Vietnam. same thing will happen in Ukraine, and you will fall for the next lie as if all these failed proxy wars and direct undeclared wars just didn't happen. the realists in foreign policy knew this would happen--George Kennan for example, and the idiots in the state department and the executive branch kept pushing it.
> If the US keeps attacking its' allies like Germany (it blew up their pipeline) because its sanctions on Russia aren't working, there is a very good chance it will lose its allies, as it has already lost in Turkey. it's alienating people and countries throughout the world as it leaves one devastated country after another in its wake, and the thing is it will all be in vain. the US is not going to be able to hold onto the the world number 1 spot, either economically or militarily, and the quicker it accepts that reality the better off everybody on the planet will be. NATO should have been disbanded after the USSR broke up, but instead the US turned it into an aggressive instrument for pushing US military power.
Lol yes its attrition, and just like all those wars - it will be the aggressors who lose.

Got any more RT to pull out of your ass? God how can people be this stupid

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