
What happened to my elo?

We aren't convinced because none of the games that you streamed were of particular quality.

You played even down to level 5 AI and didn't win once, even with takebacks. This isn't remotely close to the quality that you were playing in the games for which we marked you as cheating, they were profile cheating - not borderline - profile cheating.

Personally I'm of the opinion that you'd do better off just making a new account and try not playing like a bot.
That account on is banned since a year or maybe 2.
You claim you are not that person.

So if that is true, certain things need to be assumed:
-That guy was an imposter using your name AND Fide
-That guy knew which account-name you will use here on lichess about two years later.
-That guy comes from the same small country
-Be equally good at chess
-Record games like you did (yes, he showed me one game he uploaded on youtube)

I'm sorry, but I don't believe in fairies. The chances for all of that to happen are equal to 0! Besides that the arrogance you display equals the one from over there. That person claimed to be GM-strength because achieving a lucky draw at a mass simul against a GM. Which brought upon several good laughters and finally his 2nd ban.
One of my neighbours won simul against Karpov never boasting. looks like already has more than one account.
You really are funny, I will just continue to laugh. That link is dead by the way.
Yeah, the link is not dead. Banned accounts get redirected to that link.

Thanks for making us all laugh and mostly for ignoring the fact that you got caught lying.
The link is the dead in a meaning of that there is no info on that link whatsoever. I can only see the same nickname. Nothing of above what You have written.

Even if that guy cheated there (which he probably did, he got banned) that has nothing to do with my games here. Get your facts straight :)
Oh yeah, couple of more thing I have forgotten:

-I got my FIDE half a year ago (you 1st statement is down)
-This nickname is not special so almost anyone can copy it
-Austria is not that small as far as I am concerned
-I recorded games for purpose of proving my innocence, that twitch account was created yesterday.

Any facts you claimed have no background evidence. I do not see any info on that ID, I did not manage to find an ID on containing DEMO as a key word, nor any videos of streaming chess from him whatsoever.

I have now the same right to call you a liar also, which i find insulting because you did it first. I've provided much evidence here. How many did you?

Well, get your own facts straight. My point was to show that you are lying. And you obviously do.

I can show you the link to his archive, but without being a paying member you don't see any games older than a month.

I do remember the country-flag, and the name and the Fide-link. All you do is being evasive and trying to save your image. Now try not to cheat again with your new account here. And while at it, try to learn some honesty and humility, because you lack both a great deal.

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