
why is it the best move?

Here the engine suggests the best move to be 24... Rf8

Why is that?
24...Nd2 transposes in an objectively losing endgame: the resulting white extra pawn (after 26....gxf3 White soon collects f3) is a strong protected passer on e5. Therefore it is better to simply keep the knight on e4. Black should defend the attacked pawn on f5 with 24...Rf8, because the rook is the only black piece, which does not have other duties (the queen has to protect b7).
On the other hand, what is the best move in a position that might be objectively lost anyway, is kind of an open question. And you still won:)
Protects the attacked pawn on f5, while Nd2 is certainly losing after in the Endgame.
@ShiningDrongo said in #3:
> On the other hand, what is the best move in a position that might be objectively lost anyway, is kind of an open question.
I am not totally sure, if it actually is objectively winning. At least practically converting the extra exchange does not look like a piece of cake, as long as Black manages to avoid the trade of queens. The white rooks are needing open files, but pawn breaks also will make the white king more vulnerable.

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