
I don't like f4

f4 is part of the opening but if you're going to play that, it's useful to know how to continue.

d5 is quite a good counter in spite of the engine saying it is an inaccuracy. It is only an inaccuracy if your opponent finds the best play against it.

There is a "trap" game whereby if you simply go d6 your opponent can allow the fork on f2, playing Qh5 threatening mate on f7 and black normally responds by castling king-side which looks natural but is a fatal error. After Bg5 and the queen moves white now brings the knight in to d5 with unstoppable threats. Bl;ack might naively capture the rook on h1 at this point but then white plays Nf6! and will soon checkmate the opponent or win the queen.
f4 and f5 in general weaken the Kingside for either side. Kasparov, Fischer, Carlsen, Fish, and so on like h4 and/or g4 in more situations than not. Of course, I am about to be a little hypocritical with what I am about to post.

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