
Wacky idea for tournaments - team tag representation

Hi all

Inspired watching a bit of the recent 24 hour Chessbrah stream, I noticed about the country vs country competition.

I think perhaps there could be an idea of setting one's "team representation tags" at the start of a tournament e.g.

"Dogs vs Cats" - choose dogs or cats
Country flag (default to own or choose)
Choose favourite food from choices
You can have a whole set of these team tags set at the start of a tournament, or for future tournaments as an evolving setting.

And then at the end of the tournament, the average points is shown for the tag winners.

So for example, the top countries, or if dogs beat cats, etc

I know its a bit silly but I thought I would throw it out there - it would be maybe cool if someone thought they tipped the balance for say the Dogs team to win etc.
Also I think we need to respect our regular champion "Ferrari" and have the following tag competition

Ferrari / Redbull / etc for the motor racting teams

which is also how Motor racing works - individual drivers but representing their team sponsors.

It would play on existing real world concept quite well here in this case :)
But how about the details of the scoring system?!

I don't think total works well as bigger teams would win wouldn't they?!

Average might be cool - but then indviduals with rare tastes might win if they are really strong

Maybe taking the average from the top 20 scorers or something?!

Not sure - but this is an important detail to discuss
I think that team tourneys have been suggested amongst the mods and devs in the past. I think it's a great idea.

Initial feature should just be basic Red V. Blue, where players can elect to join either side or be randomly placed in a team. Then tools like allowing team leaders to sort the teams (similar to simuls), or allowing a single arbiter to sort them can be built later.

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