
Lichess Game of the Month June - Contest

Oh I remember, I have got another which is also memorable. I know this will be ignored by the evaluation team.
This one is taken from a Swiss tourney in the 2 round.

My opponent seemed to underestimate me for my much lower rating. But then came my move 10. Bxf7, a bishop sacrifice which I think, took him by surprise. Shortly after, I checkmated him in 14th move. He then quit after this shocking loss :)
@sgtlaugh said in #38:
> Everyone is sharing games that they won, let me share one that I lost for a change :) Not sure about the best one, but this was really funny and heartbreaking for me.
> Played almost a perfect bullet game against a 2700-rated player. Got an exchange advantage in the middle game, and held on to it. Found a partially smothered mate in the middle of the board after a forced pawn sacrifice by En Passant. Made the final mating move as a pre-move but was too slow and ran out of time anyways. So lost on time with a mate in 1 on board :)
I really feel bad for you
@Nomol said in #55:
> I really feel bad for you

Haha, thank you. That's okay, I had fun and that's the most important thing :D
a correspondence game with my favourite opening: bird opening and sturm gambit

i sacced a pawn to get initiative and the tactical combinations arouse easily

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