
Incorrect puzzle

I was doing puzzle storm when I came across this puzzle:
I played Ne6+ and then Qh5+ which is incorrect? However when I checked the computer there was obviously Qxg7# but it’s still +3 after that.
Lichess puzzle rule is : Always find the best move !
Unfortunately there is no option available , just like : That`s a good move, find a better one.
E.g. If you find a mate in 3 moves in a "mate in 2" puzzle, then your solution will always be considered as wrong !
You better get used to it.
What exactly is incorrect? If there is a move which is checkmate in 1 then playing another move which prolongs the game for another 20 or 30 moves is not the solution. The solution of a puzzle is always to find the best move.
Yes, but it’s still a perfectly good move and I’m pretty sure there can only be one good move in the position
Yh but it’s a huge difference, would you rather be finishing the game or giving your opponent a huge chance to comeback?
The whole point of that puzzle is to train your mate in 2s not to find random moves that are still winning....
@PolishEngland said in #4:
> Yes, but it’s still a perfectly good move

Doesn't matter. A Puzzle is about finding out what's best.

It's like in some composed problem that's a mate in 2. Often White has a huge material advantage in those things and there are a million ways to win...but only one solution fulfills the task.
@MrPushwood said in #6:
> Doesn't matter. A Puzzle is about finding out what's best.
> It's like in some composed problem that's a mate in 2. Often White has a huge material advantage in those things and there are a million ways to win...but only one solution fulfills the task.
Whe@PolishEngland said in #8:
> Yes, but it’s find a winning move - Qh5+ is winning
When I clicked the link it says find the BEST MOVE not Find A winning move, there is a large, essential difference between the two.

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