
I have been marked as using computer assistanse

Yes it has been removed now! I havent recieved any info about it but it sure does feel good to get some justice served. Thank you whoever you are ;)
I just recieved an email reply stating that it was an automated process and that the computer assistance has been removed from my account now, its all good again!
How exactly does Lichess identify a cheater? (apart from someone actively reporting the games)

I have this fear that I may be mistakenly labeled a cheater. I pretty much only play Correspondence chess due to my schedule, and I like to use the Computer Analysis tools for games that I've finished. If I happen to have these two windows open at the same time (active game + analysis) will Lichess automatically flag me as a cheater or something?

As a result, I've been avoiding using Computer Analysis altogether, which is a shame, because it's a great tool.
Hopefully it won't.
I think the detection system only works by analyzing your games to determine if you are playing unusually well.

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