
Search "user:kudbany1"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Allowing for taking the king - feature suggestion#13

I am not asking to redefine Chess, I am just suggesting: (i) a new chess variant, that can be fun and interesting on its own right, and (ii) that it should be easier for children and other beginner to…

Lichess Feedback - Deep Calculation - Puzzle Mode Suggestion#3

> Chesstempo's blitz mode distinguishes between time spent before your first move and time spent after. I have used Chesstempo's blitz mode before, but wasn't aware that it differentiated between time…

Lichess Feedback - Allowing for taking the king - feature suggestion#1

Could we have a way to allow for capturing the king in certain contexts? I believe this is a more natural way of presenting the game, especially for beginers and children. I have been trying to teach …

Lichess Feedback - Deep Calculation - Puzzle Mode Suggestion#1

I often find myself "solving" a puzzle by playing it out kind of like I would a game, that is, I have a good hunch of what the solution is and figure out the moves according to the computer's moves du…
