
Search "user:f4xel"

18 forum posts
Game analysis - How did I got a draw against max level AI? Is it bad? Honestly analyze this game if you would.#10

Thx @mCoombes314 , I made it public. By the way, do you know how to make it appear embeded?

Game analysis - How did I got a draw against max level AI? Is it bad? Honestly analyze this game if you would.#8

Ok, apparently, I just reposted the very same game, so now I made a different study with the lines given by @Cubra I made the study private, so tell me if you can't see it @BestSiteEver https://en.lic…

Lichess Feedback - Stockfish, the endgame, and blunders#5

Did you let enough time for stockfish to assess the position? and maybe it uses different depths for board analysis than for game analysis.

Lichess Feedback - suggestion_for_a_new_game#8

"Wouldnt have been better to play such a game than solving random puzzles in tactics trainer which could even not arise in your games?" Tactics from lichess are automatically extracted from anaylised …

Game analysis - What you can get away with against lower rated players on this site.#10

@wasilix Totally agree with your first sentence. I did not claim the queen sac presented here are sound (I even gave what I think are fast refutation to them), just that they are less unsound, in the …

Game analysis - How did I got a draw against max level AI? Is it bad? Honestly analyze this game if you would.#6 One possible continuation for black. White loses much more pawns that black bishop was worth, and his exposed King makes him suffer (as a consequence, his excess kni…

Game analysis - What you can get away with against lower rated players on this site.#8

the queen sac in #4 is actually much more unsound than those in #1. Edit : OOps, I missed that you got two pieces for the queen , I thought you had only one knight and two pawns. You can discard most …

Lichess Feedback - Opponent leaves, call it a draw vs. victory#22

I much agree with #20. Draw is half win half loss, and result in rating change. Drawing against someone much higher rated than you is an achievement. Draws can't be discarded by the rating system, bec…
