
Search "user:darkblep"

4 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - The 9 Historical Developments Of The London - Part 1#2

Nice article! But isn't black supposed to go 6...e5 and only then 7...Bf5 in the 2. Bf4/4...Qb6 line?

Community Blog Discussions - En Croissant: The Ultimate Chess Toolkit#143

@FrankWillow said in #142: > Thank you, I've just fixed it. It'll work on the next release. Awesome. I also notice on the OSX version that when attempting to solve puzzles, it won't let you actually i…

Community Blog Discussions - En Croissant: The Ultimate Chess Toolkit#141

@FrankWillow said in #138: > Thanks for the detailed feedback! > > > > Can you check if the files were downloaded by clicking on the folder icon? It seems like the two files in the Komodo/OSX folder a…

Community Blog Discussions - En Croissant: The Ultimate Chess Toolkit#128

This looks great already! Thanks for making it available to people. One minor issue: Komodo doesn't seem to download when I try it on a Mac (sorry if this has already been mentioned).
