
Search "user:Meriten"

336 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - What does Horsey mean?#15

The horsey emoji is hard to describe but this is my face expression when I give a horsey emoji:

General Chess Discussion - What is wrong with Stockfish?#1

Let's take the C12 French Defense: MacCutcheon Variation: Stockfish says 0.0 when you would play e5. But when you actually play e5 than stockfish says +0.3.…

Off-Topic Discussion - Why e2-e4 isn't a good opening#1

General Chess Discussion - Mate in 2 - Can you solve it?#1

The question is not how long it takes you to find the solution, but whether you will find the solution at all. ^_^

General Chess Discussion - How To Catch a Cheater#15

@midnightmusicnetwork said in #1: > I got this great idea. Put a few bots in the rated games, and no one knows who they are, and they are stockfish bots playing at 95% strength. Strong enough that onl…

General Chess Discussion - What Lichess rapid rating does 2250 tactics lichess rating translate to ?#18

@The_Greek_Gift19 said in #2: > It could range from 1800-2100 My tactics rating is 2369 and my rapid rating is 1548. There is a huge difference between having to find a move in 20 seconds and having s…

General Chess Discussion - Why does one side win on time if they have insufficient material to mate?#4

@MacJJ said in #1: > Why does one side win on time if they have insufficient material to mate? eg knight vs bishop + 2 pawns Knight vs. bishop is insufficient material but the 2 pawns could be a probl…

General Chess Discussion - Nakamura loses to WGM Heinemann#2

He underestimated her. But he is a streamer so content first and now he has drama content. So he lost on the chessboard but wins beside the chess board.

General Chess Discussion - Why don't people on lichess like

@InModeration said in #2: > It's a compliment. It's not a compliment. I don't like chess dot com so I'm here and not on chess dot com. When I don't like something and I don't use it then it is never a…

General Chess Discussion - The Pareto principle applied to chess?#14

@dboing said in #12: > where can we find data to figure any of that out.. or even test the pareto principle (or postulate?). >For example, Microsoft noted that by fixing the top 20% of the most-report…
