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27 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - New chess variant: Pieces of the same color on the same square#5

Yeah, let's say white has a bishop, a pawn and a knight on d4. Now black moves a piece onto that square, white will lose all its 3 pieces. The idea is, that you take a risk by moving several pieces on…

Lichess Feedback - New chess variant: Pieces of the same color on the same square#3

- all the pieces move the same as in regular chess - I explained captures: if several pieces are on one square, all of them get captured - normal starting position

Lichess Feedback - New chess variant: Pieces of the same color on the same square#1

Idea: Pieces of the same color can move onto the same square. If several pieces are on the same square: - you can move one of them away, leaving the rest behind. - they get captured all at once For ex…

Game analysis - how can be?#11

The error/mistake/blunder are probably just when a single move loses more than x centipawns. Let's assume -0.2 centipawns for inaccuracies. Then 0 inaccuracies just means, that the player made no move…

Game analysis - how can be?#2

10 centipawn loss per move multiplied by 20 moves makes +2.00 evaluation. It just happened gradually an not in the form of mistakes.

General Chess Discussion - Caro-kann advance variation long play (1h 30min)#13

I hope it's ok, to recommend a different site. On you can start a correspondence game from a certain position. So if you want to learn a new opening, just start like 5-10 games from the posi…

General Chess Discussion - King+2 Knights vs. King + Pawn: Checkmate in 90 moves#1 Believe it or not, but after move 66. ... Kxf6, it's checkmate in 90 moves. Endgame table bases: FEN: 8/8/5kn1/5n2/8/7P…
