
What we know on how the Brain works, can we use this for Chess.

Can we Dream playing games. how we learn, now we understand.

States of mind

This is from the latest peer review of the latest data on how we function as a complete interrelated system. Evolution has provided the brain with 1/3 of the nutritional needs of the Organism, ( homo sapien ). If survival could be accomplished in any other way then probability introduced by Darwinian evolution, would have taken another path.
It is interesting to note that evolution builds upon pre existing biology, every organism, the chordates that had bilateral symmetry and eventualy a backbone was our very early ancestors. The way evolution and life works, it prunes away unwanted things. When the Human Genome project that was completed it showed that less than 10% of our DNA was needed to make a human being, the rest was termed Junk DNA. A spinoff called ENCODE was created after a few years of study the spending went up by $8,000,000,000 and now over 80% of our DNA is known to have verious properties. So it is the same with our Brain even though it is built up from pre existing structures evolution would not waste time.
Here is an excerpt of my knowlege on the brain and its relevance to chess.

State of Mind ( SoM )

Broad SoM (open) Narrow SoM (closed)

Sensory information -----------<>----------------------- Predictions

Global -----------<>------------------------- Local

Broad associations -------------<>--------------------- Narrow associations

Openness to Experience
Exploratory -------------<>-------------------- Exploitatory

Positive mood -------------<>--------------------- Negative mood

Section On Openness to Experience

Exploration ----------------<>-------------------- Exploitation

(this is supposed to show a fixed sliding bar, formatting has messed this up)

Exploratory state of mind:
• Wider scope
• Learning oriented
• Attuned more to novel Information

Exploratory state of mind: result?
• Rely on existing Knowledge and expectations
• Less open surprises
• Gravitate to details

A optimal state of mind for creativity to thrive would be a balancing of these two FORCES.

State Of Mind. MOOD

Substantial changes due to one state of mind.

A happy mood will tend to have a broad associative thinking style, broader attention scope, and incline towards exploring the environment (Broad SoM).

While under negative mood, the same individual will tend to a more ridged thinking style, narrow attention scope, and rely on exploiting familiar information and habitual behaviours. ( Narrow SoM)


Personality (is not Destiny)

Load, Stress, burnout and creativity.
By remembering a number 43/438756
Puts a stress on the mind smaller number of free association examples gave quick original answers in word tests, the worry or stress reduced this.

Mind Wandering

47% of our waking we are somewhere else:


Why do we spend so much energy, 47% of the energy budget is spent on this. So what is so important about this part of our internal life, The brain has been difficult to give up its secrets. Now understanding on how we live and function, how what we perceive has been altered and filtered.


Theory of Mind

Associations and Simulations

Learning from imagined experience.

Associative processing.
Generate predictions in the proactive, creative brain.

Defies precision
Has to be novel and useful

• Idea generation
• Evaluation

Convergent and divergent thinking
Creativity (curiosity)

Mood plays a reciprocal relation, good mood.

Creativity needs incubation.
An idea comes from nowhere, solution of unconscious workings.

Directed mind Wandering and other tricks

• Guilt-free mind Wandering (recognise state, make time)
• Learning from imagination (wandering AI)
• Semi-directed mind wandering (summoning)
No. We have never ever understood diddlysquat about the Life Of Brain.
That's what we taking boot here, right?

Thinking neuron says no!
This is from notes taken from a lecture on the workings of the brain.
It is for those who understand the principles.
They are correct, goggle any part of this and find out more detail.
Sorry for not writing a PHD thesis.

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