
Announcing our new logo!

Not to be rude but I personally think the old one was great. Same with the one before that. I think this is a good logo for April Fools but other than that I think it's ridiculous . I would like it if the old one came back. (Please say it's just for April Fools)
Splendid. You are truly following the steps of great artists from the past, without losing yourself in classical paintings nostalgy. We can feel in this young knight's eyes all the love, and passion for the game. As well as we can feel the smile of its author while achieving its creation. Absolutely Divine.
lichess, why don't you print a limited edition of this t-shirt!!!
Personally I prefer the last one! I find this one a little bit ridiculous. At first I though someone has cracked into Lichess. Nothing to do with the lichess UX design but nice try!
Love the sock puppet! Long may it continue it suits Lichess, perfectly. Hopefully. Start a campaign to keep to the glove puppet! No offence intended to the sleek stallion..

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