
mission accomplisheddddd

Hi mr. @Yeltcki, in #1, mr. Tijilsingh states that he made 1000 puzzles;
In #3 he completes the statement, mentioning that he did so in 4 hours.
The extra puzzles were made possibly in 2 or 3 more hours (as of now, #1 was written about 3 hours ago)

Puzzle storm is a nice, fun tool, but it has a specificity that may not be welcome for everyone: the fact that you have to start over at ~1050-rated puzzles again every few minutes :< it would be really nice to be able to set it to start at other levels or something

First, in #1, he said that his mission was to do 1000 puzzles today and he did it, he never said the exact amount of puzzles he did. Second, I saw his post after 2 minutes and clicked on his profile, he did around 1500 puzzles.

I think this is a really good idea to choose at which rating we want to start in puzzle storm, you can suggest it :
Guys there's a troll among us. He knows he's wrong, he sees the downvotes, yet he repeats because he actually enjoys the feeling, "woo i'm such a bad guy. ehehe."
So let's ignore the troll, don't feed the troll.
Moderators shall do the work at some point.
Thank you.
love how MetroSpartanRanger gained 200 points in 7 puzzles today RIGHT AFTER #7 posted(ik it’s possible with selecting “Hardest” category) he prob cheated so that he could show off again.
Yay thats great but i did 10 000
P.S. This is considered spam
Doing lot of puzzles is nice. Don’t spent to much time on puzzles. Rest and take a break from Puzzles.
@MetroSpartanRanger You should really learn how to respect other players. Its great you got 2400 but don’t make other people feel bad about their rating and abilities

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