
Diffrence between a gm and 1500 rated chess player

@Sarg0n said in #8:
> Easy.
> Beginners: 100-1000 chunks
> Experts: 10k
> GMs: 50k
> Carlsen: 100k
> are the usual scientific estimations.
> The more chunks the better the assessment.

so If I've won 20k games that means I've "eaten" two experts. If I jutkeep playing I'll actually catch iu pto carlsen according to you, thanks!
(Considering you mean 1500 a default rating), a 1500 is one with no knowledge of playing chess while a GM has in depth knowledge of playing chess.
@snared said in #11:
> so If I've won 20k games that means I've "eaten" two experts. If I jutkeep playing I'll actually catch iu pto carlsen according to you, thanks!

Chunks doesn’t mean „games“.
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Gm plays off memory, 1500s are actually creative. Most Gm games are decided by who can remember the most prep which is pretty sad. This is the downside of computer in chess, and Nigel Short once said something along the lines of “I believe a game of chess should be decided at the board, not by whoever has done the most homework”. Gms have a deeper understanding of tactics and strategy (pawn structures etc) and has memorised most openings.
@BorisOspasky said in #9:
> Carlsen v Nepo... not a Carlsen v A Monkey.. 0 inaccuracies, 0 mistakes, 0 blunders.
> Carlson would thrash a 1500 without even looking at a board.. in fact, he beat loads of 1500s without looking at a board.
> There’s no way of assessing the difference and is quite frankly a pointless exercise and an even more pointless question.
@snared said in #3:
> A 1500 player is closer to being 0 rated than a GM is to 1500..
A 800 player is closer to carlsen (2861) than 800 is to 0 rated player
@Hellochess987 said in #1:
> Does gm look board diffrently. What are the basic differences between them and us. How they play what is going on their mind when they play a chess game.

You're probably better off wondering what the difference is between you and someone rated 100 points higher than you.

Asking yourself what is different about a GM is a lot like asking yourself how your ability to read differs from a cat's ability to read. Compared to a GM most people here don't understand the most basic things about this game.

PS: there is no "us". There is a huge variety in playing strengths in just the people responding here.
Ratio difference of 1500 rated player vs GM>2500 using Lichess distribution graph.
Using only the dots on the chart. Adding up to compared.
GM dots on chart: 47+42+87+86+138+111+180+215+342+313+409+590+763=3323 GM's
1500 rated dots on chart: 15844

15844 : 3323 = 4.7679807402949 : 1

Rounding off --» 15844 : 3323 = 5 : 1

There is one GM(2500-3300 rating) for every 5 (1500 rated) blitz players on Lichess.

Since there is about a 500 range window of GM. I should also use +500 over the 1500. This would include candidates to be experts. If I used ±250 on each side of the 1500, that would not be correct either. Because a GM is 2500 and above.
A 1500 was an exact number asked in the subject title, but should have given a GM rating number too to do exact difference.

So ratings at 1500 vs 2500 gives.
Dot on those ratings 15844 vs 763

15844 : 763 = 20.765399737877 : 1

Rounding off --» 15844 : 763 = 21 : 1

Difference in quantity: There are twenty-one 1500 rated players for every 2500 rated Grand master on Lichess.
That's one value difference in quantity between a GM and a 1500 rated player.

Chess is a balance between Quantity and Quality.
Quantity = 1500 rated plays vs Quality = 2500 rated GM's.

The difference is a 1500 pushes wood, while GM's pull out positions.
The difference is a 1500 needs motivation, while a GM needs inspiration.
The difference is it starts as recreational chess and ends in retiring from professional chess.

In the beginning, it's relatively easy to pick a direction and build a routine, but when we increase in rating, we can get bored of our routine. To reignite that lost happiness and well-being, new objectives are needed. Our goals are the driving force behind our actions. Without a purpose or a goal, there is no chess challenge.

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