
Computer analysis fail

How is the computer analysis incorrect? Ke8 is a textbook draw if I remember correctly...
Why is it a draw?
Why king cannot be moved to F6 on move 96 on the alternative thread?
Ke6 on move 90 - I would understand that. This is not suggested by the computer analysis at all.
If 91... Ke8 92. Kxe5 Ke7 93. Kf5 Kf7 94. e5 Ke7 95. e6 Ke8 96. Kf6 Kf8 Black has the opposition and draws since if 97. e7 Ke8 98. Ke8 is stalemate.

I don't understand your last comment, both 90. Ke6 and 90... Ke6 are illegal moves.
I had a look again at it, but I see no draw there, looks like a bug...
Aha... Thanks a lot for your explanation. I need to check it again.
You're welcome! I just realized, next to the four arrow buttons << and < and > and >> ... to the right of those is a button with more options, including "Continue from here" playing against the computer! It's possible to use this to analyze any position...
Yes, this is a really cool & useful button, it must be highlighted for people to press it more frequently!
Yeah, this is really a draw - sorry, my skills are very bad, so it was not obvious at all to me from the beginning.
The computer analysis was cool.

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