
Implementation of piece cursor

Dear all,

I would like to see a piece cursor feature be implemented, just like in ICC. What the name suggests is, when one clicks on a piece to make a move, the piece reduces in size (say half of its original size) so that it is more easily placed on the target square. This feature is especially helpful in faster time controls.

Best regards,
Anyone else using this? I've never seen it on ICC streams.
Are you not pointing the cursor at the field anyway? I can't imagine that as too useful, but then again I never played on ICC.
When you have only a few seconds left on the clock, it is easy to misplace your piece. Of course, when you have ample time on your clock it is not as helpful.

It really does not confuse you, it actually is much easier to control your piece this way. This would be an option to be chosen anyway, not compulsory for everyone to use.
I rather prefer a arrow cursor pointing "from" "to" a piece is going to.

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