
Conspiracy theory

as much as i like being helpful, I cant take much credit if I'm just quoting wikipedia
Well, Firefox was the worst movie that I ever saw.
Firefox 2 the reboot could have Clint Eastwood play a secret agent who steals Alpha Zero code to help a GM win the World Chess Championships.
I fell asleep for two hours back in the day when I watched Firefox.
This movie remake?
I'm sorry Vegemite_Fighter but I disagree. That would be awesome. And we all know that you would watch it! 😁
Leela zero is already available, what more do you think Alpha could bring?

It's been a decade or two computer preparation exist and there is no secret about it. While the wake of Monte Carlo + expensive heuristic for chess engines can change substantially computer preparation, I fail to see how corporate espionage would fit in when the best engines are opensource.
@f4xel yeah, TCEC tested leela against stockfish 8 a while ago and it outperformed alpha zero so it’s safe to say It’s better than the first version of alpha zero

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