
When opponent exchanges against the French, you kinda have no chance to make a mistake.

I agree completely. I am extremely comfortable in these sorts of openings.
Personally, i consider french as a weak defence. Tarasch defence performs pretty well against is, and you have the problem with your french bishop. I'd rather take the caro-kann
White can play with an early c2-c4 which some strong players did actually (Kasparov when I am not mistaken) and things are not entirely clear. It's some sort of IQP then.
I thought you could go wrong in any opening...
Of course you can go wrong in the French exchange variation.

@tpr because white was Magnus. I'm in 1750 to 1850 rating range (lichess) so anyone higher can beat me with any opening
Your last comment sort of illustrates the relative irrelevance of opening theory at lower then master level. Unless you fall into some sort of a trap obvouisly.

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