
Takeback Ettiquette

I love when a topic about etiquette disintegrates into name calling. Great job team! :P

(and yes I acknowledge the irony of making fun of people making fun of people..... the intent is to just bring awareness back to the topic.)

I think this topic is done. And the answer is now obvious:
Takebacks are a rare occurrence, and there is no etiquette against not accepting takebacks, but to those that don't mind, it's a great tool for those having fun.

How do you not allow takeback requests? (I have never asked for one myself and if there was a way to let my opponent know that I don't give or ask for them at least there'd be that understanding in advance).
I don't think the discussion has really devolved into name calling. I took NoLuckOnlySkill's jabs as relatively lighthearted and friendly, and meant my responses to be the same. If it came off differently I apologize.

But yeah, there is obviously no consensus on the proper etiquette for takebacks for slips. In my experience it is split pretty evenly 50/50. Basically everyone is in agreement that takebacks for any other reason are not OK.
Take backs ruin chess, and are not chess. I don't care if it's the most epic, immortal, 70 move endgame, and somebody makes a tiny mistake.

Disable take backs.
How to disable takebacks:
Click your name.
Game behavior
Takebacks: Never

Do it.
It will Feng Shui your game.
Takebacks disturb the flow of Qi on the chessboard.

Truth be spoken Audon99 is a good player. I have never seen a good player advocate takebacks, because especially OTB blitz is absolutely merciless in touch rule etc. so experienced tournament players are used to the idea that physical motorics are a part of the skill set needed to play.

But I guess he just sees the mouse as a different thing than the hand. To me the mouse is the same as the hand. So this is the only point where we disagree.
#65 best explanation ever, why takebacks are bad. Hope every takeback requester reads it.

Wow! What a pair of pussies :D

Kasparov took back vs Nakamura also:

I think this is pretty dishonorable behaviour, winning means so much to them that they lie that they didn't let go. Carlsen was horrid because it was not even the same piece he tried to cheat with!

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