
Improving at chess

Hello everybody, I would like to know which one is the better way, in your opinion, for improving at chess.
Over the past year, I have went from an average bullet rating 1450 on to 1900 bullet average on lichess. I recommend watching chess videos in your spare time, and also just playing a lot of chess. One thing that I can definitely say helped me was playing a lot of bullet games. That's a good way to play a lot of games in a short time. The more you play, the more you get familiar with positions.
Positionally wise, you should always have a strategy. Moving pieces just to pass time won't help. I used to do this, then quickly realized that it is purely ineffective. I reckon that having a reasonable strategy should at least boost your rating 100-200 points. Also, try to anticipate what your opponent is trying to do. Getting good at doing this will really help. Lastly, shy away from 1 move threats. If you see a 1 move threat (for example, bishop attacks queen), ask yourself, how can I turn it into a 2 move threat? Your opponent is much less likely to see a 2/3 move threat than a 1 move threat.
Do a lot of tactical exercises / puzzles. As for endgame just learn the basics for now. Play regularly and with enough time, it seems this one you already do.
Running in a circle to chase after a piece is a waste of time and tempo. Lock down the escape routes before attacking the piece. The chess board has letters so when you are out of ideas think of this: (If the word is not go, find another key word that will help to get ideas)
A- Attack (Active pieces and isolani pawns.)
B- Block (Pieces heading towards your territory)
C-Capture (Free material)
D-Defend (Count the number attacker on a square).
E-Escape (Available squares for mobility)
F-Force (Moves, repetition for draw)
G-Gain (Tempo,Space,Centre)
H-Help (Does a piece need help like an isolani pawn. If you interpose will it be pinned? Foresee, end game possibilities. If all the pieces get exchanged what is left? Search for a prosperous horizon)
Keep this in mind: As pieces and pawns gain territory their value may actually increase or decrease depending on if they can stay active. Don't wake up your opponents pieces that are sleeping in their starting positions. «Mobility is the key». A piece that is mobile is harder to capture than a piece that is pinned.
Study, get a job, create a family and burn your chessboard with its pieces.

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