
My profile can't count

In my profile it says I've won 50% of my games Lost 49% of my games and drawn 2% doesn't take a software engineer to know thats 101%...
Out of 162 games, you've won 84 (51.85%), lost 74 (45.68%), and drawn 4 (2.47%), which happen to round to 52%, 46%, and 2%.

Among your *bullet* games, out of 127, you've won 63 (49.61%), lost 62 (48.82%), and drawn 2 (1.57%). These percentages happen to round to 50%, 49%, and 2%. However, you may find that in fact, the software is working perfectly. I suppose it *may* take a software engineer, I suppose, to realize that the numbers that are displayed are rounded. If you account for this fact, which I think you may have missed, then in fact the numbers add up just fine. I suggest that you take a look at the numbers going into the percentages, and think about how the impact of rounding may affect them.
The numbers are rounded. Like 63/127 isn't exactly 50%, so you are going to have rounding errors.