
How many shots have you got against covid-19 ?

I got both, in case I would want to go abroad.
My doctor has been informed too.
BUT: In the Netherlands you can only get things done as a DUTCH CITIZEN, if you can get the DIGID app, which is only available at GOOGLE APPSTORE or APPLE STORE. But I have no business with that shit. Story of my life: I get the real thing done, but at customs COMPUTER WILL SAY NO.

Yes, you read that right:
Dutch citizens can only use their way of citizen identification via google or apple.
I just got them for bureaucratic reasons, in other words. But alas, in spite of my silly endeavour, computer at customs will say NO VACCINES MR PLANKTONIUS! BAD!BAD!BAD! GO AWAY!
Yepp, had both. And I hope for everyone who wants them that they can get them as soon as possible.

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