
The problem with the Indian defences

In my experience Lichess has always been a place of tolerance. A place where we can share our ideas without the worry of backlash or scrutiny. What I'm saying is, lichess is a tolerant, progressive place. I think that lichess, as a leader in the chess community, needs to take a leap forward, and tackle the elephant in the room.
Guys, it's 2017, and we still refer to a set of openings as the "Indian Defences". It's should be clear by now, especially to the Americans, that the term "Indian" is derogatory towards Native Americans. I think it's our duty, as a progressive, and tolerant community to remove the word "Indian" in these openings and instead add "Native American". For example, "Native-American Defence", "Nimzo Native-American Defence", "King's Native American", etc.
I think this would actually earn us respect amongst the progressive crowd, and also help us establish our game in the Native-American community.
Dude,, its Indian the Asian Country New Delhi etc
#1Oxente, it's the country India, of GM Anand...
I think hes being sarcastic, either that or hes a 7 year old, or hes retarded
You have lots of better ways how to get respect among the progressives and Native Americans.

The first step should be, probably, a few impeachments. :D If not, there are gazillions of more practical things to do, too, depending of the group you belong to.
If I am to take this as a joke, it's a funny one.. If it is a serious post, it's still funny.
I will only say 1 thing,
dont be another one of those trolling 7 year olds
Although this is obvious trolling it's also worth pointing out that most Native Americans don't actually feel like Indian is a derogatory term.

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