CM DayandKnight1 Lichess coach picture

CM Mihael Jakrlin

“When in doubt... play Chess!”

Location Croatia
LanguagesEnglish (US), Hrvatski
RatingFIDE: 213026352366
Hourly rate20€
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I am a 21 year old CM from Croatia. Chess is my first love and I learned my first moves at the age of 3 from my dad. He was taught by his dad since chess is passed down from generation to generation in my family. From then on, the board and I have been inseparable. My hobbies include going to the gym and playing rugby. I study civil engineering and like (almost) everything that young people like :) Feel free to message me.

Playing experience

Most of the expirience I gained playing in Croatia was at the national and league level. I have been playing chess at a competitive level for over a decade, finishing multiple times in the top junior and cadet championships. Currently, I play the first board for the club in the city where I study. I also participated in several European competitions in youth categories. In addition to all that, I participate in a lot of blitz and rapid tournaments all over Croatia.

Teaching experience

I have almost three years of coaching experience with younger generations and I have been a club coach for quite some time. As far as one-on-one work is concerned, my first student was my brother, who now has almost 1700 classical elo.

Other experiences

English is my second language, which I have been learning and speaking for over a decade now. I gained a lot of experience through tournaments, and in my spare time, I play a lot of online chess, especially bullet and blitz on various chess sites.

Best skills

- preparation
- attacking style
- positional understanding
- opening knowledge
- midgame ideas
- realization of the obtained position

Teaching methodology

My main goal is to find a style that suits each student and follow that in order to develop in the future. I concentrate much more on understanding the positions than on pure learning because it is important to have a plan in every position. However, you still need to have a sharp eye for tactics since they are crutial and a key to victory. Feel free to message me.

Public studies

Famous chess games

1 • CM DayandKnight1 •
  1. Gioachino Greco 1620
  2. Kermur Sire De Legal - Saint Brie 1750.
  3. Adolfa Anderssen - Lionel Kieseritzky 1851.
  4. Paul Morphy - Duke Karl / Count Isouard 1858.
  1. CM DayandKnight1

Great miniatures

1 • CM DayandKnight1 •
  1. Adolf Anderssen - Jean Dufresne
  2. Peter K Wells - Alexey Shirov
  3. David Bronstein - M20 (computer)
  4. David Bronstein - Efim Geller
  1. CM DayandKnight1

Tactical patterns you should know..

1 • CM DayandKnight1 •
  1. Absoulte pin
  2. Relative pin
  3. Cross pin
  4. Situational pin
  1. CM DayandKnight1

Some of My Games

1 • CM DayandKnight1 •
  1. Jakrlin Mihael Vs. Andersson Ulf
  2. Jakrlin Mihael Vs. Levačić Matej
  3. Jakrlin Mihael Vs. Nikčević Nebojša
  4. Jakrlin Mihael Vs. Birkić Josip
  1. CM DayandKnight1