
Drechsler.C VS. Tanner Heinrich - 1991 game

Old Game of Drechsler.C & Tanner Heinrich in Zuerich op Tournament - 1991

Hello reader, Through this blog post, I am just sharing the old game of 1991, Drechsler.C VS. Tanner Heinrich played in Zuerich op tournament.

The Game

This was the game of Drechsler & Tanner heinrich, imported in lichess.

Game observation

Now lets observe the game(You can look up the board given in "The Game" section in case of any doubts).
The opening was Sicilian defense:Closed variation.
After Nc3(White's 2nd move), Black played g6 to open the diagonal of his black square bishop and white played the same move with the same plan g3. Then black played Bg7, attacking the b2 square because when the c3 knight & c1 bishop is removed, black can Bxb2 attacking the rook and black can win 1 pawn. And with the same move and same plan white played Bg2. So black played Nc6 as it will delay the attack. After d6(Black's 6th move), White's best move is Qd2 as it will add a strength of activating the pieces.But instead of playing Qd2, white played Nh3 as a mistake, so as well as you know if a knight in the edge of the board it can attack only half of the pieces and another is the knight is in the black's white square bishop because when the g2 bishop support is removed, black can capture the knight as a free piece. After Nd4(Black's 8th move), black played O-O-O(Queenside castle) as a blunder because black actually played Nd4 because next they will play Qa5, planning a mating threat. After that black also missed the best move Qa5 and played Bg4, trying to attack the rook. But it was a blunder too, because Bxd4 Bxd1 Bxg7. But white also missed the best move Bxd4 and played Rdf1 again a blunder because i can be easy for Qa5 mating threat. Again black also missed the move Qa5 and played b4 attacking the knight. How many good moves will white and black miss? After Nd5(White's 12th move), Ah, now only black is playing the mating threat Qa5. And after Qa5 white plays Kb1 supporting the a2 pawn. And after Kb1, Black played Nf6, Trying to attack the knight to remove it from d5. So white's best move was Nhf4 because when black plays Nxd5 white can too nxd5 so that the d5 knight can still attack black's pieces. But white played f4 as a mistake because if a pawn is in d5 it can control only 2 squares. So Nxd5 exd5. After that, black played Rb6 developing the mate. Now white's most biggest blunder was b3. It opened the d4 bishops diagonal till a1, so checkmate was unavoidable. So Qxa2+ Kxa2 Ra6+ Kb1 Ra1#. Whie shouldn't have played b3 as it will delay the checkmate.

Final words

Hope you all liked the game of Drechsler.c and Tanner Heinrich. I just share this game to remember the oldest games. You can learn some new tatics and openings from these old games. Thank you and have a nice day!!!!.
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