
What GIB_Merch_Donkey HATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The things that GIB_Merch_Donkey absolutely HATES!!!!!!!!

GIB_Merch_Donkey hates things!!! (like all of us)

These are the things that GIB_Merch_Donkey HATES!!!!!!!!!!

  1. MUSHROOM SOUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. SOME, humans.
  3. Schoolwork!!!!!!!!!
  4. Bad weather!!!
  5. Vegetables!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. And a bunch of other things, (actually quite a lot of things), that I can't think of at the moment!!!

Goodbye!!! (And don't forget to like for no reason!!!)
- GIB_Merch_Donkey